Class Krb5AuthzDataDumpPrinter

  • public class Krb5AuthzDataDumpPrinter
    extends Object
    A Kerberos AuthorizationData dump printer produced by Krb5AuthzDataDumpingActiveDirectoryRealm.

    This class can be called via its main method, it supports the following optional parameters:

    • output format --format listing (default) or sql,
    • verify the PAC server signature with the PrivateSunPacSignatureVerifier and a login context --verify-signature {loginEntryName}, The configuration of the login entry must be identical to the one from GSSAuthenticatorBase.getLoginEntryName()
    and the following positional parameters:
    • dump file/directory path...: either a file or a directory containing dumps.

    The sql format output can be used to import the data into a SQLite database for later analysis.