Class ActiveDirectoryPrincipal

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Principal, TomcatPrincipal

    public class ActiveDirectoryPrincipal
    extends Object
    implements TomcatPrincipal
    Represents a principal from Active Directory with a list of roles.

    An Active Directory principal is comprised of the following items:

    • the GSS name,
    • the security identifier (SID),
    • an optional GSS credential for credential delegation (impersonation),
    • an array of security groups the user has been assigned to, stored according to the role format configured in the realm,
    • and a map with additional attributes which are either a String, byte[] or a List of either one.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActiveDirectoryPrincipal

        public ActiveDirectoryPrincipal​(GSSName gssName,
                                        Sid sid,
                                        GSSCredential gssCredential)
        Constructs a new principal for the given parameters.