Download SPNEGO/Kerberos Authenticator and Active Directory Realm for Apache Tomcat

There are several ways to download the artifacts of this project.

Obtaining Binaries

The preferred way to obtain these artifacts is through dependency management. It is available, along with its sources and Javadoc JARs, in the Maven Central repository. See the dependency information reports of the modules (8.5, 9.0, 10.1) for further integration details for your build tool of choice.

Building from Source

If you rather prefer building from source you either have to check out a working copy from the project's public repository, or download a source ZIP file from GitHub.

After you have obtained the source code, navigate to the source code directory and type mvn install. Prior to that, make sure that you have at least Maven 3.5.4 and Java 11 installed. After successful execution the artifacts will be installed to your local repository.